
ASTR 3800/8050 - Structure Formation in the Universe

When: Spring 2017, TR 1:10-2:25pm

Where: 6322 Stevenson

Textbook: Assigned readings

Other helpful books: "Galaxy Formation and Evolution" by Mo, van den Bosch, & White (Cambridge).
"Structure Formation in the Universe" by Padmanabhan (Cambridge).
"Introduction to Cosmology" by Ryden (Adison Wesley)
"Modern Cosmology" by Dodelson (Academic Press)
"Cosmological Physics" by Peacock (Cambridge)

Syllabus and Course Info: syllabus

Preprint Archive: http://arXiv.org/list/astro-ph.CO/recent

Complete Lecture Slides: Lecture slides (part 1), Lecture slides (part 2)

Week 1: January 10-12

Topics: Aims of the course, CMB
Lecture Slides: AST8050_1_CMB.pdf

Week 2: January 17-19

Topics: CMB, Galaxy morphology, fluxes/magnitudes/surface brightness/colors, Stellar spectra, Stellar populations
Lecture Slides: AST8050_2_stellar_populations.pdf
Assignment: Assignment #1 due Thursday, February 2: Assignment 1

Week 3: January 24-26

Topics: Stellar populations, Distance indicators
Lecture Slides: AST8050_3_distances.pdf
Reading: Freedman et al. (2001)

Week 4: January 31-February 2

Topics: Redshift, Hubble law, SDSS, Redshift distortions
Lecture Slides: AST8050_4_redshift_surveys.pdf

Week 5: February 7-9

Topics: Redshift surveys, Flux/Volume-limited samples, K-corrections
Lecture Slides: AST8050_5_surveys2.pdf
Reading: Blanton et al. (2005)
Assignment: Assignment #2 due Thursday, February 23: Assignment 2
For the assignment, you will need this file: SDSS_DR7.dat

Week 6: February 14-16

Topics: Selection functions, Luminosity functions, Photometric redshifts, Galaxy morphology, Galaxy Environments, Galaxy groups and clusters
Lecture Slides: AST8050_6_galaxy_properties_and_environments.pdf

Week 7: February 21-23

Topics: Galaxy clusters, MOND, the Bullet Cluster, Quasars and the Lyman-alpha forest
Lecture Slides: AST8050_7_bullet_cluster.pdf

Week 8: February 28 - March 2

Topics: Galaxy clustering statistics
Lecture Slides: AST8050_9_clustering_stats_and_power_spectrum.pdf
Reading: Zehavi et al. (2005) Sections 1, 2, and 3
Hamilton (1997) First ~10 pages
Strauss & Willick (1995) pages 18-28 and 45-52
Assignment: Assignment #3 due Tuesday, March 21: Assignment 3
For the assignment, you will need these files: SDSS_Mr21_rspace.dat, SDSS_Mr20_rspace.dat, SDSS_random.dat, SDSS_Mr20_zspace.dat, DM.dat, DM_random.dat

Week 9: March 14-16

Topics: Power spectra, The Friedman equation, Cosmological parameters
Lecture Slides: AST8050_10_homogeneous_universe.pdf
Reading: Frieman et al. (2008)
Weinberg et al. (2013)
Assignment: Read the above papers and think about what method of constraining Dark Energy you want to study and present in your final project. The four methods are: Supernovae, Clusters, Baryon Acoustic Oscillations, Weak Lensing

Week 10: March 21-23

Topics: Cosmology, Distance measures.
Reading: Hogg (2000)
Assignment: Assignment #4 due Thursday, April 6: Assignment 4

Week 11: March 28-30

Topics: Linear evolution of density fields, Velocity fields, Nonlinear evolution: the spherical collapse model, N-body simulations
Lecture Slides: AST8050_11_inhomogeneous.pdf

Week 12: April 4-6

Topics: Nonlinear evolution: N-body simulations, Dark matter halos, Press-Schecter theory, Dark matter halo properties,
Lecture Slides: AST8050_12_Nbody_and_halos.pdf
Reading: Jenkins et al. (2001)

Week 13: April 11-13

Topics: Modeling galaxy clustering and the halo model, Halo abundance matching and conditional luminosity functions
Lecture Slides: AST8050_13_galaxy_darkmatter_connection.pdf
Reading: Berlind & Weinberg (2001)
Zehavi et al. (2005)

Week 14: April 18-20

Topics: Galaxy formation theory

Week 15: April 25-27

Topics: Cosmological probes of dark energy
Final presentation: Final presentations and writeups due this week
Date: TBD
Reading: Review: Frieman et al. (2008) Weinberg et al. (2013)
BAO: Seo & Eisenstein (2003) Eisenstein et al. (2005)
Supernovae: Riess et al. (1998) Wood-Vasey et al. (2007)
Clusters: Haiman et al. (2001) Vikhlinin et al. (2009)
Weak Lensing: Munshi et al. (2008) Benjamin et al. (2007)