I am currently a post-doc
at Department of Physics & Astronomy at Vanderbilt
University working with Andreas Berlind.
Right now, we are trying to fit the various SDSS galaxy samples using the LasDamas simulations.
I finished my PhD from Department of Astronomy &
Astrophysics at Pennsylvania State University in 2008.
My thesis was on "Numerical Simulations of Hot Halo Gas in Galaxy Mergers", where I ran a suite of high-resolution
numerical simulations to study the effects of the hot gaseous halos in galaxy mergers. More details about this can be
found in my reseach page - here. My under-grad institute is the Indian Institute
of Technlogy, Kharagpur where I got a degree in Electrical Engineering.
I am a computational astrophysicist. My interests lie in numerical simulations towards understanding galaxy
formation and evolution, and the inter-play between blackhole/AGN and galaxy growth.
I am mostly interested in structures of the galaxy sizes and larger but I am always open to new ideas. So please drop me an email
if you would like to discuss questions/ideas.
Here are my research interests expressed through galaxies (from this site). Mouse-over
will give you the intended text.