% Relevant files InitCondFile /path/to/ic/file OutputDir /path/to/output/dir/ EnergyFile energy.txt InfoFile info.txt TimingsFile timings.txt CpuFile cpu.txt RestartFile restart SnapshotFileBase 2lpt_512_z300_PM % CPU-time limit TimeLimitCPU 9000000 ResubmitOn 0 ResubmitCommand xyz % Code options ICFormat 1 SnapFormat 1 ComovingIntegrationOn 1 NumFilesPerSnapshot 1 NumFilesWrittenInParallel 1 % Characteristics of run % TimeBegin = 1/(1+z) TimeBegin 0.00332 % start z=300.0 TimeMax 0.143 % end z=6 Omega0 0.258 OmegaLambda 0.742 OmegaBaryon 0.044 HubbleParam 0.70 % only needed for cooling BoxSize 10000.0 PeriodicBoundariesOn 1 % Output frequency OutputListFilename OUTTIMES OutputListOn 1 %% These two are irrelevant - provide the list in OUTTIMES - MS TimeBetSnapshot 1.030410558 % 100 constant steps in log(a) TimeOfFirstSnapshot 0.05 % z=19 CpuTimeBetRestartFile 7200.0 % in secs TimeBetStatistics 0.001 % Accuracy of time integration %% Very stringent integration accuracy - MS ErrTolIntAccuracy 0.00125 MaxRMSDisplacementFac 0.1 MaxSizeTimestep 0.005 MinSizeTimestep 0.0 % Tree algorithm and force accuracy TypeOfOpeningCriterion 1 TypeOfTimestepCriterion 0 %% Both these values are conservative - MS ErrTolTheta 0.002 ErrTolForceAcc 0.002 % Parameters of SPH DesNumNgb 40 MaxNumNgbDeviation 8 %AdiabaticIndex 1.66667 ArtBulkViscConst 0.75 InitGasTemp 0.0 % initial gas temperature in K, only used if not given in IC file MinGasTemp 1.e4 CourantFac 0.15 % Further code parameters PartAllocFactor 1.5 TreeAllocFactor 1.2 BufferSize 300 % in MByte TreeDomainUpdateFrequency 0.05 % System of units UnitLength_in_cm 3.085678e21 ; 1.0 kpc now Mpc UnitMass_in_g 1.989e43 ; 1.0e10 solar masses UnitVelocity_in_cm_per_s 1e5 ; 1 km/sec 1e5 GravityConstantInternal 0 % Softening lengths MinGasHsmlFractional 1.0 % minimum gas smoothing in terms of the gravitational softening length SofteningGas 0.0 % box length/linear particle number / 20 % [comoving kpc] SofteningHalo 0.5 % 0.5 SofteningDisk 0.0 SofteningBulge 0.0 SofteningStars 0.0 SofteningBndry 0 SofteningGasMaxPhys 0.0 SofteningHaloMaxPhys 0.5 SofteningDiskMaxPhys 0.0 SofteningBulgeMaxPhys 0.0 SofteningStarsMaxPhys 0.0 SofteningBndryMaxPhys 0