function minmax,array,subs,NAN=nan, DIMEN=dimen ;+ ; NAME: ; MINMAX ; PURPOSE: ; Return a 2 element array giving the minimum and maximum of an ; array ; EXPLANATION: ; Using MINMAX() is faster than doing a separate MAX and MIN. ; ; The procedure MAXMIN in ; ; has a similar purpose but uses a procedure call rather than a ; function. ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; value = minmax( array, [subs, /NAN, DIMEN= ] ) ; INPUTS: ; array - an IDL numeric scalar, vector or array. ; ; OUTPUTS: ; value = a two element vector (if DIMEN is not supplied) ; value[0] = minimum value of array ; value[1] = maximum value of array ; ; If the DIMEN keyword is supplied then value will be a 2 x ; N element ; array where N is the number of elements in the specified ; dimension ; ; OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETER: ; subs - two-dimensional vector; the first element gives the ; subscript ; of the minimum value, the second element gives the ; subscript ; of the maximum value. ; ; OPTIONAL INPUT KEYWORD: ; /NAN - Set this keyword to cause the routine to check for ; occurrences ; of the IEEE floating-point value NaN in the input data. ; Elements ; with the value NaN are treated as missing data. ; ; DIMEN - integer (either 1 or 2) specifying which dimension of ; a 2-d ; array to take the minimum and maximum. Note that ; (unlike the ; DIMENSION keyword to the MIN() function) DIMEN is only ; valid ; for a 2-d array, larger dimensions are not supported. ; EXAMPLE: ; (1) Print the minimum and maximum of an image array, im ; ; IDL> print, minmax( im ) ; ; (2) Given a 2-dimension array of (echelle) wavelengths w, print ; the ; minimum and maximum of each order ; ; print,minmax(w,dimen=1) ; ; PROCEDURE: ; The MIN function is used with the MAX keyword ; ; REVISION HISTORY: ; Written W. Landsman January, 1990 ; Added NaN keyword. M. Buie June 1998 ; Added DIMEN keyword W. Landsman January 2002 ; Added SUBSCRIPT_MIN and SUBSCRIPT_MAX BT Jan 2005 ; Added optional subs output parameter W. Landsman July 2009 ;- On_error,2 compile_opt idl2 if N_elements(DIMEN) GT 0 then begin amin = min(array, MAX = amax, NAN = nan, DIMEN = dimen,cmin,sub=cmax) if arg_present(subs) then subs = transpose([[cmin], [cmax]]) return, transpose([[amin],[amax] ]) endif else begin amin = min( array, MAX = amax, NAN=nan, cmin, sub=cmax) if arg_present(subs) then subs = [cmin, cmax] return, [ amin, amax ] endelse end pro ms_plotimage_varbins,image2d,left_xarray,right_xarray, $ left_yarray, right_yarray, cbrange, logcolor = logcolor, convolve = convolve, $ OOB_HIGH = OOB_HIGH, OOB_LOW = OOB_LOW, _extra = _extra, had_high = had_high, $ had_low = had_low, ncolors = ncolors, bottom = bottom ;;;;; Purpose: Plots the 2-d histogram of scatter data points in data co-ordinates ;;;;; Inputs: The 2-d histogram, the arrays of x & y bounds, the ;;;;; colorbar range (i.e., the density in the 2-d histogram to plot) ;;;;; and the colorbar title. cbrange should always be sent in ;;;;; "normal" units (ie without a log10 even if logcolor is set) ;;;;; Keywords: ;;;;; logcolor -- Takes a log10 of the 2-d histogram before ;;;;; plotting. cbrange is changed to ;;;;; log10(cbrange). Plotting the color bar should be ;;;;; fairly straightforward in the calling routine. ;;;;; ;;;;; (For the pedantic, technically this is not a logcolor. This is a ;;;;; linear map applied on the log of the quantity. Details..) ;;;;; ;;;;; The current color table is used. If this is used on a postscript ;;;;; device with a version of IDL that does not support decomposed=1, ;;;;; the code will break. Obviously. You are on your own there, ;;;;; upgrade your IDL license, or use the "sm" variable to set your ;;;;; plotting color directly. However, the plot will likely look ;;;;; horrible (depending on the color table loaded - since ;;;;; !p.color/background will be set to the color table; good luck). ;;;;; ;;;;; ;;;;; This is how I envision that data for image2d, (left/right)_xarray and (left/right)_yarray ;;;;; was created: ;;;;; ;;;;; image2d = hist_nd(transpose([[x],[y]]),[xbinsize,ybinsize],min=[xmin,ymin],max=[xmax,ymax]) ;;;;; nx = (size(image2d))[1] ;;;;; ny = (size(image2d))[2] ;;;;; left_xarray = findgen(nx)*xbinsize + xmin ;;;;; right_xarray = left_xarry + xbinsize ;;;;; left_yarray = findgen(ny)*ybinsize + ymin ;;;;; right_yarray = left_yarray + ybinsize ;;;;; cbrange = minmax(image2d) ;;;;; logcolor = 0 ;;;;; Ncolors = 100 ;;;;; OOB_HI = 'red' ;;;;; OOB_LOW = 'white' ;;;; cgloadct, 4, Ncolors=Ncolors ;;;;; ms_plotimage_varbins, image2d, left_xarry, right_xarry, $ ;;;;; left_yarray, right_yarray, cbrange, logcolor = [0/1], convole = [0/1],$ ;;;;; position=position, OOB_HI=OOB_HI,OOB_LOW=OOB_LOW,had_hi = had_hi, $ ;;;;; had_low = had_low, Ncolors=Ncolors ;;;;; if had_hi eq 0 then delvarx, OOB_HI ;;;;; if had_low eq 0 then delvarx, OOB_LOW ;;;;; cgcolorbar, range = logcolor eq 1 ? alog10(cbrange):cbrange,$ ;;;;; /fit, OOB_HI=OOB_HI, OOB_LOW=OOB_LOW, Ncolors=Ncolors ;;;;; ;;;;; ;;;;; Rev 1.00 : MS 12/11/2014. compile_opt idl2,strictarrsubs on_error,0 ;;; stop inside this routine on error if n_elements(image2d) eq 0 or n_elements(left_xarray) eq 0 or n_elements(right_xarray) eq 0 $ or n_elements(left_yarray) eq 0 or n_elements(right_yarray) eq 0 or n_elements(cbrange) eq 0 then begin print, 'usage: ms_plotimage image2d [2-d image data] left_xarray right_xarray [x min/max values] left_yarray right_yarray [y min/max values] cbrange [range of data in image2d to plot]' print, 'returning..' return endif sz = size(image2d) if size(image2d, /n_dim) ne 2 then $ message, 'image2d must be a 2D array' if size(left_xarray,/n_dim) ne 1 or size(right_xarray, /n_dim) ne 1 then $ message, 'xarrays must be an 1D' if n_elements(left_xarray) ne n_elements(right_xarray) then $ message, 'xarrays must have the same number of elements' if size(left_yarray,/n_dim) ne 1 or size(right_yarray, /n_dim) ne 1 then $ message, 'yarrays must be an 1D' if n_elements(left_yarray) ne n_elements(right_yarray) then $ message, 'yarrays must have the same number of elements' if size(cbrange,/n_dim) ne 1 then $ message,'cbrange must be an 1D array' if n_elements(cbrange) ne 2 then $ message,'cbrange must contain only two elements: min and max of the data to plot' device,get_decomposed=olddecomposed device,decomposed=1 if n_elements(bottom) eq 0 then $ BOTTOM = 0 if n_elements(ncolors) eq 0 then $ NCOLORS = 256 TOP = BOTTOM+NCOLORS-1 < 255 image = double(image2d) fixed_left_x = double(left_xarray) fixed_right_x = double(right_xarray) fixed_left_y = double(left_yarray) fixed_right_y = double(right_yarray) cb_range = double(cbrange) nx = n_elements(fixed_left_x) ny = n_elements(fixed_left_y) if nx ne sz[1] or ny ne sz[2] then begin message, 'Number of elements in xarray/yarray does not match that in image2d' endif if n_elements(xrange) eq 0 then begin xrange = minmax([fixed_left_x, fixed_right_x], /nan) endif if n_elements(yrange) eq 0 then begin yrange = minmax([fixed_left_y, fixed_right_y], /nan) endif if keyword_set(logcolor) then log_color = 1 else log_color = 0 if min(cb_range) le 0.0 and log_color eq 1 then begin print,'WARNING: log color is enabled but the min. value of the image is less than 0.0' stop endif if keyword_set(convolve) then begin kernel =double( [$ [ 1, 8, 15, 8, 1], $ [ 8, 63,127, 63, 8], $ [15,127,255,127,15], $ [ 8, 63,127, 63, 8], $ [ 1, 8, 15, 8, 1]] ) ;;; gaussian kernel convol_image = convol(image,kernel,invalid=!VALUES.F_NAN, missing=!VALUES.F_NAN,/edge_truncate,/normalize,/center) image = convol_image endif actual_cb_range = cb_range plot,[0],/nodata,xrange=xrange,yrange=yrange,_extra=_extra if log_color eq 1 then begin xx = where(finite(image) eq 1 and image gt 0.0,cnt) yy = where(finite(image) eq 1 and image le 0.0,cnt1) tiny = 1d-5 if cnt1 gt 0 then begin minimg = min(image[xx],/NAN) image[yy] = tiny*minimg if minimg lt cb_range[0] then minimg = cb_range[0] endif else begin minimg = cb_range[0] endelse cb_range = alog10(cb_range) log_image = alog10(image) endif else begin minimg = min(image,/NAN) if minimg lt cb_range[0] then minimg = cb_range[0] endelse tvlct,red,green,blue,/get had_high=0 had_low=0 cg_oob_hi = cgcolor(OOB_HI) cg_oob_lo = cgcolor(OOB_LOW) for iy = 0l, ny-1 do begin if fixed_left_y[iy] ge yrange[1] then break if fixed_right_y[iy] lt yrange[0] then continue ind = where(image[*, iy] ge actual_cb_range[0] and image[*, iy] le actual_cb_range[1] and finite(image[*, iy]) eq 1, cnt) if cnt gt 0 then begin if log_color eq 0 then $ sm = reform(image[ind, iy]) $ else $ sm = reform(log_image[ind, iy]) if min(sm) eq max(sm) then begin sm = (sm - cb_range[0]) /(cb_range[1] - cb_range[0])*Ncolors + BOTTOM endif else begin min_sm = min(sm, max = max_sm) scaled_range = (max_sm-min_sm)/(cb_range[1]-cb_range[0])*Ncolors scaled_min = ((min_sm-cb_range[0])/(cb_range[1]-cb_range[0])*Ncolors + BOTTOM) > BOTTOM scaled_max = scaled_min + scaled_range if scaled_min eq scaled_max then stop sm = scale_vector(sm, scaled_min, scaled_max) endelse sm = (fix(sm) < TOP ) > BOTTOM color = long(red[sm] + 256L*green[sm] + 256L^2*blue[sm]) for ix = 0l, n_elements(ind)-1 do begin if fixed_left_x[ind[ix]] ge xrange[1] then break if fixed_right_x[ind[ix]] lt xrange[0] then continue xpoly = [fixed_left_x[ind[ix]], fixed_right_x[ind[ix]], fixed_right_x[ind[ix]], $ fixed_left_x[ind[ix]], fixed_left_x[ind[ix]]] ypoly = [fixed_left_y[iy], fixed_left_y[iy], fixed_right_y[iy], $ fixed_right_y[iy], fixed_left_y[iy]] polyfill, xpoly, ypoly, color = color[ix], /data, noclip = 0 endfor endif ;;; Now plot the out of bounds if n_elements(OOB_LOW) gt 0 then begin ind = where(image[*,iy] lt actual_cb_range[0] and finite(image[*,iy]) eq 1,cnt) if cnt gt 0 then begin for ix=0l,n_elements(ind)-1 do begin if fixed_left_x[ind[ix]] ge xrange[1] then break if fixed_right_x[ind[ix]] lt xrange[0] then continue xpoly = [fixed_left_x[ind[ix]], fixed_right_x[ind[ix]], fixed_right_x[ind[ix]], $ fixed_left_x[ind[ix]], fixed_left_x[ind[ix]]] ypoly = [fixed_left_y[iy], fixed_left_y[iy], fixed_right_y[iy], $ fixed_right_y[iy], fixed_left_y[iy]] polyfill, xpoly, ypoly, color = cg_oob_lo, /data, noclip = 0 endfor had_low=1 endif endif if n_elements(OOB_HIGH) gt 0 then begin ind = where(image[*,iy] gt actual_cb_range[1] and finite(image[*,iy]) eq 1,cnt) if cnt gt 0 then begin for ix=0l,n_elements(ind)-1 do begin if fixed_left_x[ind[ix]] ge xrange[1] then break if fixed_right_x[ind[ix]] lt xrange[0] then continue xpoly = [fixed_left_x[ind[ix]], fixed_right_x[ind[ix]], fixed_right_x[ind[ix]], $ fixed_left_x[ind[ix]], fixed_left_x[ind[ix]]] ypoly = [fixed_left_y[iy], fixed_left_y[iy], fixed_right_y[iy], $ fixed_right_y[iy], fixed_left_y[iy]] polyfill,xpoly,ypoly,color=cg_oob_hi,/data,noclip=0 endfor had_high=1 endif endif endfor plot,[0],/nodata,/noerase,xrange=xrange,yrange=yrange,_extra=_extra device,decomposed=olddecomposed end