
Filtergraph is a web application for transforming datasets into interactive portals that can help bring meaning to big data. While it is designed to handle astronomy data, Filtergraph can be easily configured for a wide variety of data sources. Filtergraph is optimized for speed: for instance, operations on a stellar database of 3.1 million entries executes in less than 2 seconds.

See a short video of Filtergraph in action using the Hipparcos database.

Filtergraph features include:

  • Generate scatter plots, histograms and tables instantly
  • Interact directly with the data: drag to zoom, click to get more info
  • Perform arithmetic operations in real time
  • Flexible enough for large datasets, date types and missing data
  • Save to various formats: PNG, JPEG, GIF, PDF, PostScript, HTML, and ASCII

From the Filtergraph website, you can register instantly and generate your first data portal in minutes.